Good Afternoon HES Families,
Thank you all for your patience and understanding as we continue to work towards having a great school opening next week. I know many of you have reviewed the guidelines shared on our website for our specific School Re-opening plan. I appreciate all your support with our HES Plan and our staff is excited to welcome our students back!
You may have read the recent divisional announcement about the option of providing a Staggered Start by family name (A-M to attend School on Tuesday and Thursday; N-Z to attend School on Wednesday and Friday).
Based on a number of accommodations needed for HES, we will continue with our Re-opening Plan, as drafted, with ALL Students being provided the option to attend regular classes all week, Tuesday-Friday. We are prepared at HES to allow for your child to attend daily next week, and are looking forward to seeing them.
Certainly, if you feel more comfortable to slowly re-integrate your child back to school, and prefer to follow the “Staggered start” as outlined above, please feel free to do so, if that best meets your families needs at this time.
We are looking forward to a safe and successful start to our 2020-2021 School Year.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Mrs. R. Casavant